Pro V1X vs The New Pro V1X

Follow Thread

By Wayne S

  • 3 Replies
  1. What is the biggest difference between the two?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The changes are incremental, not exponential. The feel is softer, so old farts like myself can appreciate the flight characteristics w/o the harsh feel of the X from previous releases. The V still has a softer feel, but not so much now to warrant moving to the V. Some will find a small distance improvement but my striking is variable enough I’d need a very large sampling to affirm that.
  3. JJohnson

    Jersey Village, TX

    I'm not 100% what the differences are but I got to play them a couple weeks ago when I ran out of Left Dash and really enjoyed them. They definitely seem softer than previous models and also seemed like there was less spin (putting it closer to left dash).

    Maybe is was pure mental and I was wishing for it but I will say I will be playing them again!
  4. Anthony C

    Anthony C
    Tinton Falls NJ

    So they are actually supposed to have a slightly different feel due to the gradient core and have a slightly lower launch. I can confirm it's good haha!

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