Watch: Speed is Only the Beginning for New Titleist GT Drivers

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By Mike D., Titleist Staff

  • 13 Replies
  1. Team Titleist Staff

    The GT revolution breaks new ground in the Titleist pursuit of speed. A Seamless Thermoform Crown – created using an advanced material never used in golf before – unlocks a new world of design possibilities. Speed is gained but also controlled, as a new Split Mass Construction works to optimize the combined distance dynamics of every impact. Meaning you get the best possible distance and outcome from every swing.

    Explore the New Titleist GT metals here:

    Subscribe to the Titleist YouTube channel here.

  2. JWaddle

    Rockwall tx

    I play the tsr2, what GT driver would be comparable to it?
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    JWaddle said:

    I play the tsr2, what GT driver would be comparable to it?

    Many will move to the GT-2, but that’s not 100%. Based on individual results, some end up with -3 or -4. Likewise, some TSR-3 and -4 users will fit into one of the other GT models.
    If you don’t like to wear out the face like me, the GT-2 is the most forgiving. But all 3 are better than the comparable TSR model for forgiveness.
    Get fit.
  4. JWaddle said:

    I play the tsr2, what GT driver would be comparable to it?

  5. JWaddle said:

    I play the tsr2, what GT driver would be comparable to it?

    Having hit the GT's at my fitting...the results are amazing! I cannot wait to get them in my bag!!

    I play the TSR2 currently and I was surprised how easily I was able to get the ball farther down the fairway with less dispersion as well as extra length.

    If budget is a problem, I would consider keeping the TSR2 but if it isn't and you don't want to cut corners you need to upgrade.

    IMHO, Cheers!
  6. Dr. Kovatchian

    Dr. Kovatchian

    Looking forward to putting a couple GT's in the bag soon!!!!
    Absolutely Awesome!!!

    Dr. K
  7. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Wow this video is well made, I am looking forward to seeing what the GT can do!
  8. jsh_golf


    I'm eager to see if the GT lineup can outperform my current competitive driver from a different OEM. I have a fitting scheduled with the Titleist team on Wednesday and will keep you updated.
  9. jsh_golf


    On August 7, I had an excellent fitting session with my fitter. I was truly amazed by the incredibly comfortable feel of the GT2 compared to the driver I currently use during my games.
  10. Scott D

    Scott D

    The video is amazing. It looks like the club is equally amazing. I play a TSR2 and thought no one can improve on it. Now I can hardly wait to test drive the GT line.
  11. Michael S

    Michael S
    Apple Valley, Ca.

    I love my TSr1 driver hit it straight and longer than my non Titleist driver but will have knee replacement surgery this month I think I will have to be refit for the GT after . Plus a new metal wood GT.
  12. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    Hello GT.

    I can not wait to try them out.
  13. DK

    Doylestown, PA

    Can't wait to demo one!
  14. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    I have a fitting scheduled next week, I am excited to see what its all about!

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